Default Bill To / Remit To

Default Bill To / Remit To

The label (on the right side as shown below) on the group box will dynamically change between Default Bill To and Default Remit To depending on the company type. For the company type of "Vendor" the label will be "Default Remit To", for all other company types this label will read "Default Bill To".

This label should only be filled out when the Bill To or Remit To is different than the address (Company Location) of the company location you are working with.

The Default Bill To automates the Bill To on Customer Quotes, Customer Orders, Customer Invoices and when creating Quick Quotes. If there is no Default Bill To set it will automatically use the selected Company information on the left side of the Company Information window.

This Default Remit To automates the Remit To when adding Vendor Bills to Purchase Orders. Again, if there is no Remit To in this area it will automatically use the selected Vendor information from the left side of the Company Information window.

The Default Bill To can be set one of two ways: 

  1. Click the magnifying glass icon and use the "Add Quick Company" window to either add a new Company Location or by typing part of the existing company name in the Company Name text box and tabbing out of it, a list of possible matches will appear in the grid. Click on the row you want to use from the grid, then click, hold, drag & drop the row onto the label inside of the Default Bill To Group Box Label.


  2. Preferred Method: Find the company or contact using the Main Search tool, Recent Records, Favorites, or any Analysis grid that contains company information (Including Contacts) and drag and drop the company you want to use onto the label. Dragging and dropping a contact will also set the ATTN box automatically.


See the short video below demonstrating the “Drag & Drop” feature to quickly adjust your Default Bill To Address or Remit To Address on a Company Record.