Direct Bills / GSA - Invoicing

Direct Bills / GSA - Invoicing

When processing an Order in the Order Entry module, the system automatically converts the Bill of Materials/Quote into a Direct Bill Order. However, it will reflect only the income you're expecting, not the full sale amount shown on the customer quote. For standard Direct Bills, the manufacturer will typically bill the customer directly, and the dealer will receive a Vendor Commission (a percentage of the sale).


Since e-manage handles Direct Bill Orders in this way, you must manually map the invoice amount to the appropriate GL (General Ledger) account. This step ensures that you can allocate the Direct Bill invoice to the correct account, especially if you want to use a unique account instead of the default Sales accounts.

Follow these steps to map the invoice correctly:

  1. Select New Invoice to create a new invoice.

  2. If the Bill To was already set in the Order Entry module, it will appear on the invoice. You can adjust this as needed (typically to the manufacturer’s name to reflect the open invoice for the Vendor Commission payment).

  3. From the “Account” dropdown menu, select the appropriate GL Account and Class (if applicable).

  4. Click Apply to save the changes.


Note: If you need to apply amounts to different accounts, you can adjust the Amount to Post and repeat steps 3 and 4. Just make sure the total amount is accounted for, and leave the Amount to Post at 0.00 when you're done.


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