The Phase Level in the Bill of Materials

The Phase Level in the Bill of Materials

Phases: Organizing Your Project

In the e-manage|ONE system, Phases serve as an essential level of organization and provide structure to your project estimates. Think of Phases as tags, sections, summaries, or sub-totals within your project hierarchy.

Understanding Phases

Phases represent the second level of the data structure and house Bill of Materials (BOMs), where you attach parts. Each Phase level can be expanded by clicking on the "+" sign to reveal its "child" records. You can distinguish between these levels through the "name" column: Options have "Option Name," Phases have "Phase Name," and BOMs have "BOM Name."

Each Option can include an unlimited number of Phases, each of which can be named and given formatted text descriptions.

Effecting Changes Across Phases

When you modify the customer discount, margin, markup, or sale price within a Phase row in the grid, it has a cascading effect on every Adjustable item, regardless of the BOM it's associated with. This adjustment ensures consistency across the entire Phase. Changing the pre-tax sell at the Phase level prompts e-manage to recalibrate all Adjustable items to reach the price you specified, adjusting each with the same margin, markup, or customer discount, based on your pricing type.

Editable Cells in Phase Rows

While certain cells within Phase Rows are editable, the column names may differ due to user customization. You can right-click any column header to view the original name at the bottom of the pop-up menu. Remember to press the TAB key after changing a cell's value to save it, as there is no separate save button for editing cells.

  • Phase Name: Sets the name of the Phase on a quote. A name other than "Default Phase" is necessary for it to appear on the quote. If you have multiple Phases, you can ensure the desired order of appearance by using numerical prefixes such as 01), 02), 03), and so on. The quote will remove the numerical prefix when printing.

  • New Margin, New Markup, and New Customer Discount: Depending on your pricing type, the Phase level allows you to change only the appropriate cell. Lump Sum Sale and Lump Sum Sale + Tax enable adjustments to the New Margin, while Discount From List allows changes to the New Discount, and Markup permits modifications to the New Markup column.

  • Pre-Tax Sell: Alters the overall customer price of the Phase, accounting for tax based on your pricing type.

  • Phase QTY and Phase UOM: Used for setting up a hybrid Phase to hide multiple line items on the Customer Quote but still follow internal processes and best practices of itemizing for accounting purposes. Configure these fields to consolidate Phase-associated items into a single line with the Phase name as the part number and the Phase description as the Description, along with a summed-up price. This is commonly used for Services (labor, project management, design, etc.) or Freight from multiple manufacturers.

  • Start Date: Indicates the anticipated start date of the Phase.

  • Installers Per Day: Specifies the number of installers required per day for Phase installation.

  • Installation Days: Specifies the number of days expected to complete the installation for this Phase.

The Right-Click Context Menu for Phases

Right-clicking on a Phase reveals additional functionality beyond the grid. To make changes across multiple selected Phases, ensure they are highlighted in the grid before right-clicking. Here's what each menu element does:


  • New Option: Creates a new Option along with a new Phase and a new BOM, with the BOM selected so you can immediately add new parts.

  • New Phase: Generates a new Phase under the currently selected Phase's Option, along with a new BOM, allowing you to add new parts promptly.

  • New BOM: Creates a new BOM for the currently selected Phase, along with a new BOM selection for adding parts.

  • Copy: Copies the currently selected Phase(s) for pasting into another Option, the same Option, or an Option in another project's BOM window.

  • Paste: Pastes any copied Phases from the clipboard into the currently selected Phase's Option.

  • Delete Selected: Permanently deletes the selected Phase(s) and any associated BOMs that are children of the selected Phase(s).

  • Add / Modify Phase Picture: Adds, changes, or removes the picture associated with the currently selected Phase. The Add / Modify Phase Picture window allows you to browse for a picture representing the current Phase and apply it.

  • Change Name: Edits the name of the currently selected Phase (best done directly in the grid).

  • Change Phase Description: Opens the Builder Window, where you can enter a formatted text description for the currently selected Phase.

  • Move to Another Option: Select an Option from the dropdown list box to move the Phase from its current Option to the chosen Option. This does not create a copy but rather transfers it.

  • Add from Kit: Adds a pre-made kit to the Phase. Utilize the Starters, Adders, and Rows cells on the BOM created to update the quantity of kit items. To add a kit, drag and drop the folder with the kit name onto the Phase.



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