Importing Parts from an External Source File

Importing Parts from an External Source File

e-manage|ONE provides robust support for importing items from various sources, including .sif files, XML files, Spacesaver Configura (XML), Excel, and Copy & Paste. The system comes preconfigured with at least one import type suitable for your company's needs, and you may have multiple import types set up during your company's implementation. In this section, we'll cover importing using existing imports, specifically .sif file imports for Contract Furniture Companies, Spacesaver Configura (XML) imports, and copy and paste imports. Additionally, we'll explore how and when you can create custom imports. Please note that you should have gone through the Setting up MFG Codes section before proceeding with this guide.

You can also watch the below short video that demonstrates importing a SIF or XML file into e-manage|ONE from your specifying software.

Importing using Existing Imports:

e-manage|ONE facilitates the import of items from various sources. Here are the steps for importing using existing imports:

  1. Click the "Import SIF / XML" button on the main toolbar of the BOM Tiled window. If you haven't selected any auto-part templates, e-manage|ONE will prompt you to proceed; select "Yes."

  1. In the import window, choose the type of import you wish to perform. We'll start with a .sif file import for Contract Furniture Companies. By selecting the import type, you are using the default settings of the import template. Still, you can modify these defaults for this import by clicking the "1 Time Settings" button inside the "Import Type" drop-down list.


  1. Important settings include "Import as Separate Options," "Do not use type as Phase Name," "Phase Tag 1, 2, and 3," and "Package Tag." These settings determine how your import data is processed.

  2. The filename drop-down list will show current .sif files you've attached in the documents section. If not, use the "Browse" button to locate the .sif file.

  1. Optionally, you can import the .sif file contents into an existing option or phase if applicable.


  1. For .sif files, you don't need to set the vendor as it's determined by the MFG Code on a line-by-line basis.

  2. The Discount Template can be used for applying Manufacturer set discounts based on contracts.These discount templates are setup in a separate window, please see SPA's and Special Discounting / Vendor Commissions. Choosing a template here will apply preset discounting to certain product types from certain vendors and / or apply a Vendor Commission Percentage to each line item that matches the template details.

  1. Click the "Validate Parts" button. If all items have a corresponding MFG Code in e-manage|ONE, the process completes. If not, you may see items in the grid below that need to be added to your database. You can add these by entering the missing MFG Codes or setting other required values. Once done, click the "Validate Parts" button again.

Importing parts from Spacesaver Configura (XML):

  1. Click the "Import" button on the main toolbar of the BOM Tiled window. If you haven't selected any auto-part templates, e-manage|ONE will ask if you want to proceed; select "Yes."


  1. Choose "Spacesaver Configura Drawing (XML)" as the import type.


  1. Configure settings as needed, such as "Import as Separate Options" and "Do not use type as Phase Name."

  1. Use the "Browse" button to locate the Configura XML File to import.

  2. Optionally, import the XML file contents into an existing option or phase if applicable.

  1. The "Vendor" drop-down will automatically select the vendor, such as Spacesaver Corporation.

  2. Click the "Validate Parts" button. If you have MFG Codes set up for Spacesaver Product Types, all items will import with one click. If not, you may need to add parts to the database after setting required fields.


Importing via Copy + Paste

e-manage|ONE allows you to import items via copy and paste from tabular data, such as Excel. Here's how:

  1. Ensure you have a spreadsheet with the required data columns: QTY, Part #, Description, List Price, and Vendor. (These are the required fields if you have MFG Codes setup for the items you will be importing.)

Excel Example Below

  1. Highlight all rows in Excel (including column headers) and copy them (CTRL + C).

  1. In the e-manage|ONE BOM Tiled window, click the "Import SIF / XML" button.


  1. Choose one of your copy + paste import items from the "Import Type" drop-down list.

  2. Click the "Paste" button. You'll be asked if the copied data contains column headers.

If you say no, the column headers will be generated automatically but will not mean anything to the data they contain. The data will appear in the grid below the paste button.

  1. e-manage|ONE will add extra columns for MFG Internal, Phase Name Internal, Manhours Internal, Cubes Internal, and Percent Internal.

MFG Internal - an editable cell that allows you to manually set the MFG Code to use during import
Phase Name Internal - an editable cell that allows you to manually set the phase the item will go into
Manhours Internal - an editable cell that allows you to set the manhours it will take to install this item
Cubes Internal - the number of cubes this item will take up in a freight truck
Percent Internal - Depending on the pricing type, this will be the margin, markup, or customer discount

  1. Map the columns to data using the drop-down list boxes to the right of the grid.

You can assign a MFG Code to one or more-line items by highlighting row(s), right-clicking and choosing an MFG Code from the MFG drop down list box and pressing the ENTER key on your keyboard.

By right clicking on one or more rows, you can set the phase that the parts, manhours, cubes, markups, margins, or customer discounts import into.

This part of the process can be greatly reduced by creating a custom template for spreadsheets that are always the same.

  1. Click the "Validate Parts" button. If any values are missing that prevent item addition, you'll receive a message indicating the missing values. Correct these by right-clicking on line items and setting the missing values. Then click "Add Parts To Database" until the grid is empty, completing the import.

Creating your own Custom Import Templates

The case to be made for making your own custom import templates is simply to not forget to set a value in the "Settings" panel. For example, if you want, you can make one template each for each "Pricing Type" and name each with the pricing type, so there is no question about whether or not you set the correct pricing type ahead of time in the BOM Window Toolbar before you clicked import. Another example would be setting up a standard for importing from copy + paste. You can preset the column headers so that the user does not have to set them every time they import when the spreadsheet they are copying from is exactly (or nearly) the same.

To begin, open the Import BOM window by clicking on the Import BOM button in the BOM tiled window toolbar.


In the Import BOM from an external source file window, click the "New" button in the "I Am Importing" drop down list box.


In the resulting window, give the template a name (something that will describe the options set for this template) and a source type, also choose whether everyone can use this template. Then click the "Save" button.

Once saved you can set the options that are appropriate for the import you described in the name, then click the save button on the bottom of the window.

These will be the default options that are used unless the user clicks on the "Settings" button after choosing this import template and changes settings on the fly.

Copy + Paste templates have a little more configuration to them. When you choose Copy + Paste as your source type, the window will expand to show the further options where you can type in the column header names to pre-map the columns to data. When you fill out all of the appropriate text boxes, click the save button on that side of the window.

When you close the window, your new import template will already be chosen in the import window.

Editing a saved template is easy to do. Simply choose the template you want to modify and click the "Edit" button inside of the "I Am Importing" drop down list box. Make your changes and click the save button in the appropriate section of what you were editing. Your modifications will be immediately applied to the import you are doing.

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