Sales and Leads by Geographic Location

Sales and Leads by Geographic Location

This lead analysis will show you Leads, total sales and average by the Zip Code, City, State and Salesperson. It will also show you how many leads were created from each of these, how many of those leads turned into orders,  and how many overall orders there were for each of these. Using the e-manage 7 grid you can Group the results to get subtotals by city, state, or salesperson. 

To begin, click on the "Analysis" menu on the top toolbar of the e-manage main window, then on “Contacts” → "Sales and Leads by Geographic Location" menu item.

In the resulting window, choose one or more states from the states list view box and if you want to go by county, click the load counties button (this will load all of the counties for the checked states) and check off any counties you want to specifically analyze data for.

Next, enter the date range you want to analyze in the Leads Created Between date drop down boxes and click on the "Search" button. 

TIP: Once the grid is populated, you can choose to group the results by any of the columns in the grid by first turning on grouping (if it is not already on for your layout). Click on the round red button (on the bottom right of the grid), then click on "Grid Functions" (on the lower right, under the now round green button), then click on "Column Functions" and choose "Allow Grouping of Rows by Column", then drag the appropriate column header into the grouping area. You can also right click on any column header to access some “quick” grid functions.


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