

The Sales Analysis Query is located under Analysis → Create/Run Custom Queries → Sales. In the “Create New Sales Query” window, the grid can be run with a filter applied for Order Book Date or Order Final Invoice date by selecting the relevant checkbox. This query will only show results where a project contains an Order Book Date, and is not cancelled.

The purpose of this query is to show the Sales amount by Salesperson for a given time period. This includes cost, sale, and profit. The amounts factor in the sales credit which allows for accurate reporting of projects with more than one salesperson.

For example, if project #100 has salesperson A at 60% and Salesperson B at 40% sales credit, with a sale of 1000, it would appear as below:

Project ID: 100, Salesperson: Salesperson A, Sale: $600
Project ID: 100, Salesperson: Salesperson B, Sale: $400

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