Company Locations

Company Locations

The Company Analysis Query is located in the Analysis tab → Create / Run Custom Queries → Company Locations. This query contains a list of all companies in your database, including deleted companies (filtered out by default).

There are several different filters you can include in this query, including but not limited to:

  • Create Date

  • Last Order Placed

  • Deleted Companies

  • City/County/State

  • Has Outstanding Receivables

There is also additional filters on the left-hand side such as:

  • Company Type

  • Market Type

  • Sales Territories

The purpose of this grid is to provide a list of all companies in a database. This can be used to either clean up your existing customers/vendors in e-manage or exported out to excel if you need an external list. The query itself contains basic company information (location), counts of opportunities and jobs, total sales, and much more.

***Note: The first “Is” should be “Is Warehouse” and the second “is” should be “Is Subcontractor”.

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