e-manageONE Structure

e-manageONE Structure

e-manage|ONE is Business to Business software so there is a minimal amount of required information necessary for your company to do business with other companies effectively. The purpose of the structure is to follow the flow of business, make it very easy to access historical information and analyze your company in many different ways. 

  • Company Location (Physical Location - Create a location for every different address)

    • Documents

    • Contacts

      • Documents

    • Projects

      • Documents

      • Contacts 

    • Service Agreements

    • Service Tickets

The image Below shows and example of the company Hawaii National. Below Hawaii National Bank is a list of all contacts for the entire company. Under the company contacts is a Company Location (Main) which is the Main Branch or Header Quarters for the Bank. Within the Main location of Hawaii National Bank there are subfolders of everything for that location. Below the sub folder are the other locations (Branches) for the Bank. This allows you to manage the company as a whole and also each location individually. 

Every record follows a similar layout and structure so it is familiar no matter where you are in the software. All records have a similar menu consisting of: 

  • Modules

  • History

  • Actions

The menu when right clicking also follows the same structure for quick and easy navigation.

The video below fully explains how to use the following:

  • The Search Panel

  • Company Locations / Vendors / Google Prospecting

  • Contacts and their relationship to Companies and Vendors

  • Marketing Campaigns, Lead Records, and Analysis

  • Starting a Project

  • Attaching a Furniture Specification File to a Project

  • Using the Specification File to Create a BOM / Estimate / Quote

  • Adding other items (i.e. Installation, Design, Project Management)

  • The e-manage ONE Customer Quote (settings and printing

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