Adding a Customer Invoice

Adding a Customer Invoice

  1. Select Customer Invoices within the Project Modules.


  2. The highlighted window shown is the Customer Invoices window where invoices are generated and payments from your customers are applied.


  3. Select the correct Order from the grid listing of Orders in the upper section of this window and click the Add Deposit button (if applicable). Fill out the required fields as shown and click the Save button. Otherwise proceed to Step 4.


  4. Select the correct Order on the top portion of the screen and select "New Invoice". Take note that the amounts in the middle section of the screen have just adjusted to show the deposit just added.


  5. Fill out the required fields marked by asterisks. Once complete click the Save and Print button. You will be asked if you want to mark today as the Final Invoice date - select yes when it is in fact the Final Invoice. Please note the following:
    > The invoice number will auto-use the Job Number so it is not necessary to fill anything in here
    > The GL accounts auto-mapped based off the product types configuration in the admin (WIP / COGS adjustment takes place when e-manage recognizes you have posted vendor payables to the project previous to the customer invoice)
    > Due Date should auto-fill based off the Terms of Sale on the bill to company record
    > The amount due should match the amount totaled under the GL accounts
    > Amount to post should show no amount left


  6. This is print preview page for the invoice that was just created which displays how the invoice will look when printed and/or e-mailed.  Before printing click the Save to e-manage One button which will save a pdf version of the invoice to the Project History under Documents. Notice that the Deposit that was created and applied is listed under "Payments".


  7. The window shown below is the Save To e-manage One pop up window. Fill out the required fields marked with asterisks and click the Save button. Use the e-mail icon from this view to e-mail directly to your Customer.