Additional Training Options

Additional Training Options

While we do provide plenty of “help yourself” resources to guide you in your e-manage|ONE learning experience, we also provide additional training guided by our Training Experts. Below are a list of different training programs we provide:

Training Program


Training Program


New Employee

Role specific training or dealers who need a “refresher” course to re-establish processes & procedures. This is also a popular choice when there has been lots of recent turnover.

Dealer Challenges

Address pain points & challenges and how e-manage|ONE can help alleviate. Ensure you are using e-manage|ONE to its fullest capabilities!

New Features

We determine what features are not being used such as Human Resources, Time Clock, Asset Manager, Inventory, etc. and train staff on selected items.


Can be a mixture of the different Programs above. Could also be focused on specific departments.

*Pricing can vary based on the program selected and the amount of time required. Pricing will be quoted at $175 per hour with a 1-hr minimum.

Contact our Implementation Director, Stephanie Pepper, for more information at stephanie@emanageone.com.

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