Company Labels

Company Labels

Company Labels are used throughout e-manageONE to show Companies / Company Records and the companies information such as the Address & Phone #.


Add Symbol
Select this button to add a new company (if the company already exists use the drop down to select)

Select this icon to remove the Company shown in the label

Building Icon
You can select this button to open the Company shown in the label

This will copy the entire text of the label to allow you to paste virtually anywhere

Drop Down

Use the drop down to begin typing or scroll to search for any existing company records

Attention Field

Use the “Attn” field to add a Contact if necessary and “Save”. You can free form this field or drag and drop a Contact into the Company Label. If using the drag & drop method it will also pull the Company Information attached to that Contact.

Other Functionality

You can drag and drop any company, contact or lead from the Main Search Tool (lower left corner) onto this label to set the company (and Attention if a contact or lead). If the label is for an end user record, you will be asked to confirm the change of the location of a project to the newly dropped company location record.


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